She has a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid, as well as a Master’s degree in European Law from the Institute of European Studies at the Free University of Brussels. After a brief stint at the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Regional Policy, she joined UNESPA in 1988 as Head of International Relations. In 1996 she was promoted to Secretary General of UNESPA, a post she held until 2023. That same year she was appointed President of the association.
Currently, she is a member of the Insurance Advisory Board of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. She is also one of the vice-presidents of the Spanish Confederation of Business Organisations (CEOE). She is a member of the Executive Committee of Insurance Europe, as well as of the Budget and Appointments Committee of that organisation. In addition, she takes a very active part in the work of the Inter-American Federation of Insurance Companies (FIDES) and the Global Federation of Insurance Associations (GFIA). Finally, it should be noted that she was chair of the Insurance and Reinsurance Stakeholders Group (IRSG), an advisory body to the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA), between 2016 and 2018.