Fernando Ariza

Fernando Ariza Rodríguez holds a PhD in Financial, Actuarial and Mathematical Economics from the UCM, a degree in Economics and Actuarial Sciences from the UCM and a PADE from IESE.

He is currently Deputy General Manager of the Mutualidad, which he combines with other tasks and responsibilities such as Director of AVANZA Previsión, Director of the School of Thought of the Fundación Mutualidad de la Abogacía, President of the Instituto de Actuarios Españoles, member of the Advisory Board of the MCAF of the UC3M, member of the UC3M thesis tribunal, lecturer at the UB, collaborator with other universities and training institutions and member of the International Committee of Pensions and Social Welfare of ESIP. 

He is the winner of the Julio Castelo International Insurance Award and author of several publications and a regular speaker on insurance, pensions and social welfare, longevity, ageing, ethics of artificial intelligence and business strategy.